Campus Safety

exterior view of campus safety building with big sign above the doorway.
Campus Safety's home on the college's main student grassy thoroughfare, Wilder Bowl.
Photo credit: Yvonne Gay



Student Shuttle Service

The Student Shuttle, a student-staffed operation, provides a stop-to-stop vehicle escort service to college community members daily from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. during each week of scheduled classes. It serves a route around the campus perimeter, with limited off-campus stops.  Information on the service and stops is available by calling Ext. 57433 from on campus, or (440) 775-RIDE (7433).

Campus Safety supports a safe environment in which all members of the college community can learn, live, teach, and work. Open 24 hours a day, the staff responds to potential criminal incidents, suspicious activity, requests for assistance, and emergency situations. We also alert appropriate representatives of the college when they are needed after regular business hours.

Campus Safety officers regularly patrol campus buildings, residence halls, and grounds by foot, vehicle, and bicycle. Though not sworn police officers, they work closely with the Oberlin police and fire departments to carry out their responsibilities in a diligent and courteous manner.


Welcome to Oberlin College!

It is a privilege to serve and support our diverse campus community. At Oberlin College, we prioritize campus safety while also emphasizing student engagement. Our Campus Safety staff upholds our core values of respect, equity, and compassion as we strive to create a secure environment for all.

Operating 24/7, our office is ready to respond to any potential criminal incidents, suspicious activities, requests for assistance, and emergencies. We value collaboration with you and the entire campus community to ensure a safe and welcoming environment at Oberlin College. Your vigilance is crucial in crime prevention, so please do not hesitate to contact Campus Safety if you observe anything out of the ordinary.

Our department offers a range of safety services, including the Student Shuttle, safety escorts, and a safe transaction zone at our Campus Safety building. We would like everyone to familiarize themselves with these resources and use them as needed for your safety and convenience.

We have a dedicated team of Campus Safety professionals committed to consistently delivering top-quality safety services. The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors are always our utmost priority. We are enthusiastic about being part of the Oberlin College community and contributing to a safe and inclusive campus environment.

Please do not hesitate to contact Campus Safety with any questions, concerns, or need our assistance. Your safety is our priority, and we are here to support you.



“The Mission of the Oberlin College Campus Safety Office is to serve our students and campus community with respect, fairness, and compassion.  We are committed to the protection of life and property, and the preservation of peace and diversity of all individuals. We are dedicated to enhancing safety and quality of life for our entire campus community.”

Departmental Values we insist upon are:

Professionalism – We will always be aware of our image and role within the institution.

Integrity – We will hold ourselves to the highest standard of truth.

Empathy – We will always listen to the needs and the concerns of our students.

Services – We will respond with a service-driven mindset to all calls for service.

Respect – We embrace diversity and will treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Loyalty – We will all embrace our role as Ambassadors for Oberlin College.

Duty – The welfare and safety of our students and community members is our top priority.             

All of us at Campus Safety