Office for Institutional Equity

Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary and non-punitive individualized appropriate services offered to both reporting and responding parties that are designed to restore or preserve equitable access the College’s programs and activities.

Supportive measures ensure the safety of the reporting and responding parties or the campus community; or deter sexual misconduct. Supportive measures are not appropriate if they create an unreasonable burden on the College or other community members. Supportive measures are provided by the College without charge. Possible supportive measures include but are not limited to:

  • Facilitating access to counseling or medical services including transportation services
  • No contact orders
  • No trespass orders
  • Security escorts
  • Academic accommodations (e.g., rescheduling exams or assignments)
  • Academic support services (e.g.,tutoring)
  • Housing reassignment or accommodations
  • On-campus employment accommodations
  • Voluntary leave of absence