Concert Production Office
Informal Student Recitals
An informal recital is not considered a degree recital and will not fulfill that portion of the performance requirements for graduation.
To reserve time for an informal recital, a completed Rehearsal/Recording Request Form must be submitted to Concert Production. The student’s applied faculty must sign the form.
Students may begin reserving informal recital dates at the following times:
Fall Term:
One month in advance for requested dates between the beginning of fall term and Thanksgiving
Beginning at 9 a.m. the Friday of the preceding week for requested dates between Thanksgiving and the beginning of fall reading period
One month in advance for requested dates during fall reading period
Spring Term:
One month in advance for requested dates between the beginning of spring term and spring recess
Beginning at 9 a.m. the Friday of the preceding week for requested dates between spring recess and the beginning of spring reading period
One month in advance for requested dates during spring reading period
There are no predetermined slots for informal recitals. Students may choose any available hall time, including Mondays.
All informal recitals will be scheduled to take place before the beginning of the exam period of each term.
Venues available for informal recitals are Kulas and Stull Recital Halls, Warner Concert Hall, Fairchild Chapel, and the Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse. Finney Chapel is not available for any informal recital.
If performing an informal recital off campus, the student will be responsible for contacting the appropriate off-campus building representative.
A maximum of one hour, including setup and teardown, intermission, applause, stage set changes, and music, will be allotted to each informal recital.
Dress Rehearsal
No dress rehearsal time will be reserved for informal recitals. Rehearsals may be scheduled using the regular weekly sign-up protocol (detailed in the Reserving Additional Time in Conservatory Halls section).
Services Provided by Oberlin Conservatory
Informal recitals will not be supported (no ushers, stage crew, or audio services) nor provided printed programs.