Cleveland Orchestra Returns to Oberlin April 17
April 7, 2016
Erich Burnett
Season-ending program features works by Haydn and Mozart with a pair of guest soloists. Artist Recital Series’ 2016-17 season to be revealed prior to performance.
How Hao Found His Creative Streak
March 17, 2016
Daniel Hautzinger
First-year composer Hao Zou craved American arts culture—and Oberlin weather.
Winning with Words
March 17, 2016
Xiaoqian Zhu
Aaron Pressman and Yasmine Ramachandra took home first place at the 2016 Bowling Green State University Game of Rounds speech competition in the parliamentary debate category.
Obies Past and Present Connect on Switchboard
March 15, 2016
Owain Heyden
Switchboard, a community-based networking platform, facilitates alumni-student relationships.
Students Show Mastery of Russian in Language Tournament
March 14, 2016
Amanda Nagy
Fourth-year Jennifer Bird and first-year Tori Ervin take top honors in Undergraduate Russian Olympiada.
Economic Theory in Practice
March 7, 2016
Amanda Nagy
Two spend winter term in the White House as interns with the Council of Economic Advisers.
Economics Team Finishes First in Competition
March 3, 2016
Owain Heyden
Three Oberlin students took home first place in the fourth annual Peoples Bank Undergraduate Business Case Competition this February.
London Calling
March 3, 2016
Kasey Cheydleur
During winter term, 12 students traveled to England’s capital to experience the history and variety of the city’s theater scene.
Policy, People, and Grassroot Organizing in Portland
March 2, 2016
Chloe Vassot
Kiley Petersen spent her winter term learning about grassroots organizing in local, historically marginalized communities in Portland, Oregon, as an intern for OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon.
Classical and Jazz in the Middle-Eastern Crossroads
March 2, 2016
Amanda Nagy
Eight conservatory students spent winter term teaching and performing for students throughout Jordan.