Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

The Power of an Oberlin Education

September 10, 2014

Marvin Krislov

The beginning of the academic year in American higher education invariably seems to be accompanied these days by a growing wave of rankings and stories in the media attempting to judge the quality and value of a college education. As Oberlin’s president, I have written and spoken a lot about the relevance, cost, and value of college education. I have benefited from and believe in studying the distinctive blend of the humanities, sciences, and the arts that is the essence of liberal arts education. And I know Oberlin prepares students to lead meaningful, considered lives, to flourish in multiple careers, and to be informed, engaged citizens of their communities and the world. Simply put, I believe liberal arts education is the best preparation a young person can have for success in life.

New Staff: Welcome to Oberlin

September 10, 2014

Communications Staff

Oberlin OnCampus is featuring brief bios of faculty and staff members new to the campus community. New employees who have not completed the New Employee Information form that was included in their human resources packet can still submit information by e-mailing Others who want to supplement the information they have already provided may do so by e-mail

Welcome to the 2014-2015 Academic Year

September 4, 2014

Marvin Krislov

New students, returning students, new and returning faculty and staff members, I hope your summer breaks were safe, fulfilling and fun. The beginning of the academic year is always an exciting time in Oberlin. The pace of life quickens. A fresh blend of purpose, promise, and possibilities fills the air as the campus repopulates, and classes, extracurricular activities, and athletics begin anew.

New Faculty: Welcome to Oberlin

September 4, 2014

Communications Staff

Oberlin OnCampus is featuring brief bios of faculty and staff members new to the campus community.

Oberlin All Over

July 28, 2014

Communications Staff

Dessane Cassell '14 (pictured at the Allen Memorial Art Museum) an art history major with a minor in Africana studies, will be teaching English in South Africa, thanks to a Fulbright Scholarship...
Photograph of a woman holding a piece of artwork and smiling.


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