Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

2014 Benefits Open Enrollment

October 13, 2014

Department of Human Resources

Benefits changes for 2015 include key administrative changes for flexible spending accounts, an opportunity to enroll for life insurance for you and your family without evidence of insurability, and for the first time, an opportunity to win a prize for enrolling for your benefits and/or giving online! Open enrollment for 2015 ends Friday, October 31, 2014.

New Chair in Politics and Law Honors Erwin Griswold

October 8, 2014

Marvin Krislov

Creating the new Erwin N. Griswold ’25 Chair in Politics and Law, and selecting Professor Ronald Kahn as its inaugural occupant, honors Oberlin’s traditions of great undergraduate teaching, outstanding scholarship by our faculty, and the dedication to public service and towering professional achievements of a great alum. I cannot think of a better inaugural professor than Ron Kahn, who has received a distinguished teaching award from Oberlin College, and from the Law and Courts Division of the American Political Science Association.

Board Allocates $5 Million for Impact Investment Platform, Adopts Divestment Policy

October 2, 2014

Office of Communications

Building on its leading-edge commitment to responsible investing through the creation of the Impact Investment Platform (IIP), and dovetailing with Oberlin's leadership in such areas as sustainability and access, the Board of Trustees has recently approved an initial allocation of $5 million to seed the IIP over the next five years. Furthering its commitment to making the investment process more inclusive, the Board also has adopted a divestment policy that provides an avenue through which students, employees, and alumni may bring forth concerns regarding endowment portfolio holdings.

Drawing on the Skills of a Superb Liberal Education

October 1, 2014

Marvin Krislov

The landscape of journalism is changing. While there are many concerns about where it is heading, it is also an exciting time for journalism. News, images, and information can move at light speed around the world. Innovative new journalism initiatives, some hyper-local, some focusing on specific topics, are proliferating. Journalism, perhaps more than any other profession, draws on the skills of a superb liberal education including among other things devotion to truth, facts and verification, clear writing, strong researching, and critical thinking. So it is not surprising that many Oberlin alums, including recent Convocation speakers Jad Abumrad ’95 and Robert Krulwich ’69, are tackling the challenge of the changing journalistic landscape.

Understanding Different Worldviews

September 25, 2014

Marvin Krislov

In her recent President's Lecture, Paula Richman, William H. Danforth Professor of South Asian Religions, made a compelling case for studying the many religious traditions of the world. Doing so, even if not always comfortable, can broaden our understanding of different worldviews.

Congratulations to Oberlin’s Newest Genius

September 17, 2014

Marvin Krislov

Alison Bechdel ’81 was named this morning as one of 21 MacArthur Fellows for 2014. She is an amazing, inspirational person and a great supporter of Oberlin. Congratulations, Alison, from all of us at Oberlin! I am looking forward to what will be an exciting and historic Homecoming Weekend celebration beginning this Friday. We have a terrific slate of events including celebrations relating to Latinx Heritage Month, the annual President’s Lecture, with Paula Richman ’74, and a Convocation with “Radiolab” cohosts Jad Abumrad ’95 and Robert Krulwich ’69. We will also celebrate the opening of the Austin E. Knowlton Athletics Complex by playing the first home night game in Oberlin’s football history.


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