Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Q&A with Tyrone Wicks

March 8, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about Tyrone Wicks, campus security supervisor.

Tyrone Wicks

Q&A with Tina Zwegat

February 28, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about Tina Zwegat, associate director of the student union and director of orientation and student activities.

Tina Zwegat

Q&A with Bo Arbogast

February 22, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about Bo Arbogast, assistant dean for student support.

Bo Arbogast

Q&A with Michael Reynolds

February 8, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Learn about Michael Reynolds, assistant preparator for the Allen Memorial Art Museum.

Michael Reynolds drinking water from a bottle in front of a water fountain

Q&A with Dave Lengyel

January 31, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about Dave Lengyel, observatory and planetarium coordinator.

man standing next to a observatory dome

Q&A with Donna Russell

January 25, 2018

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about Donna Russell, assistant dean for student support services.

Donna Russell next to fitness equipment

Q&A with AJ McCabe

November 30, 2017

Communications Staff

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. Find out about AJ McCabe, associate registrar for curriculum, degree programs, and graduation.

AJ McCabe in Oberlin's WWII Memorial Garden


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