Campus News

Q&A with Tyrone Wicks

March 8, 2018

Communications Staff

Tyrone Wicks
Tyrone Wicks inside the WOBC studio.
Photo credit: Yvonne Gay

“Q&A with…” is a series dedicated to introducing staff members to the Oberlin community. We are highlighting one staff member each week. Is there someone you’d like to nominate? Please get in touch.

Tyrone Wicks works as a campus security supervisor overseeing campus safety and security services. He came to work at Oberlin in April 2017 and has previously worked as a sheriff's deputy and as a job placement specialist for people with disabilities. Wicks also has a passion for radio and used to DJ at WOBC.

Get to know more about Wicks in this Q&A.

Describe your role in six words.
Stay calm, I'm safety and security.

Favorite spot on campus?
North Quad at night for its sheer beauty and ambiance.

What's your passion?
Music—I’m a former radio station DJ!

Favorite song or musician?
Luther Vandross

Best advice someone gave you?
Most people inherently want to do the right thing—assuming they know what that is!

Where did you grow up?
Oberlin, Ohio.

What's something we may not know about you?
I love traveling to unconventional locations.

If you could have witnessed one event in history what would it be?
Martin Luther King Jr.'s " I Have a Dream” speech.

Favorite class in college or school?
Word Origins—it was fascinating!

Last book you read?
Deep Crossing by E. R. Mason

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