Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

The Heart and Soul of Oberlin

March 13, 2013

Marvin Krislov

This is how Oberlin faces challenging times. We reaffirm our belief in Oberlin’s mission and values by gathering to listen, to discuss, and to work towards solutions.
Marvin Krislov

Safety and Security Update

March 7, 2013

Marjorie Burton

As we move forward in our internal investigation of recent events, the Office of Safety and Security would like to share with our students, employees, and visitors information about safety and security initiatives and reminders about partnering for personal safety.

We Stand United

March 6, 2013

Marvin Krislov

There is still much work to be done. But Monday’s events organized by our students, faculty, and staff were a great beginning. We will continue the teaching, learning, and working to build an even better Oberlin.

A Day of Solidarity

March 5, 2013

Office of Communications

“Unlike the incidents that brought us here, today is not an extraordinary act,” said Professor Meredith Raimondo during Monday's community convocation. “It is the beginning of...

Classes Canceled: Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

Office of Communications

Classes and all non-essential activities for today, Monday, March 4, are suspended. A series of discussions of the challenging issues that have faced our community in recent weeks will take place throughout the day. We ask that all students, faculty and staff participate in the events planned for today.

Chess Club Makes Its Move

February 28, 2013

Elizabeth Kuhr

Just last spring sophomores Kalind Parish and Ali Amiri brought the Oberlin College Chess Club back to life after a decade of inactivity. On Saturday, March 2, the club hosts a tournament in the Root Room. Find out how to take part and more about the club.

Vice President for Finance Search in Full Swing

February 28, 2013

Office of Communications

The search to find Oberlin’s next vice president for finance and administration began in December, after Ron Watts announced plans to retire in June 2014.

Wearing Their Hearts on Their Sleeves and Then Some

February 27, 2013

Cynthia Nickoloff

Clothing made from commemorative portrait fabrics is part of popular culture in more than 24 African countries. An exhibition at the Baron Gallery contains examples of fabrics commemorating President Barack Obama along with photos of and testimonials from black women who have made clothing from the fabrics and documented their experiences.
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