Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Oberlin’s Month of Tango

April 15, 2013

Office of Communications

The queer milonga that took place Saturday night in Wilder Main was the culmination of a semester-long collaboration between professors Ann Cooper Albright (dance) and Ana Cara (Hispanic studies), and it was one of several tango-related events occurring during the month of April.

Update on Trespass Policy Controversy

April 10, 2013

Eric Estes

Oberlin College’s trespass policy has come under scrutiny in recent months. College administrators have been listening to and meeting with members of One Town and the community. “Clearly we have some work to do on this issue, and I want to make progress sooner rather than later,” says Dean Eric Estes.

Interim Deans Appointed in College and Conservatory

April 1, 2013

Office of Communications

Associate Professor of Religion Joyce Babyak has been appointed interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, while Associate Dean Andrea Kalyn will serve as interim dean of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music.
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