Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Remembering Jonathan Demme

May 5, 2017

Marvin Krislov

I’ve been thinking a lot about Oberlin parents and families since I received the sad news last week that Jonathan Demme, the brilliant film director, had passed away. Although Oberlin isn’t his alma mater, Jonathan really came to appreciate the College, Conservatory, and our community. His visits always seemed to energize him, and he became a stalwart supporter of our cinema studies program and the Apollo Outreach Initiative, which offers filmmaking classes to local school kids.
Marvin Krislov: Remembering Jonathan Demme

Response to Proposed Federal Budget Cuts

March 31, 2017

Marvin Krislov

The budget proposals being put forward by the Trump administration are deeply troubling in many ways for our society and for American higher education, especially for liberal arts institutions such as Oberlin. The proposed cuts in discretionary spending are contrary to our values of access and inclusion, and our commitment to scientific research, the arts, and the humanities.
Marvin Krislov

Happy Valentine's Day to Residents of Kendal

February 14, 2017

Marvin Krislov

On this Valentine’s Day, I’m thinking of all the wonderful people in the Oberlin community. In particular, I want to recognize the older members of our community who add so much energy and wisdom. Also, as second semester kicks into higher gear, I want to extend my annual offer to meet with any graduating senior to brainstorm job opportunities, careers, and/or graduate schools.
Oberlin's president Krislov.

A message from President Krislov

January 29, 2017

Marvin Krislov

Like so many of you, I am deeply concerned by the President’s executive order banning or freezing immigration from seven predominantly Muslim nations. Oberlin has a long and proud history of embracing diversity, inclusion, freedom of religion, and internationalism. In response to the ban, we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of our community regardless of immigration status or national origin.

Wishing Everyone all the Best in 2017!

December 9, 2016

Marvin Krislov

As classes end, finals loom, and everyone is rushing to finish the semester strong and prepare for the holidays, I offer my annual end-of-the calendar-year reminder to one and all: please take care of yourselves.
Marvin Krislov: Wishing Everyone all the Best in 2017

Happy Election Day!

November 8, 2016

Marvin Krislov

Please go to the polls and vote for the candidates of your choice! Voting is the right, and duty, of every American citizen. It is a duty to oneself, to one’s family, and to our society, country and world. To make progress on any issue—whether it’s inequality, race, justice, climate change, immigration or education—there must be action. And voting is an action every citizen take.
Marvin Krislov: Happy Election Day

Sharing the Oberlin Experience

October 28, 2016

Marvin Krislov

Since I became Oberlin’s president in 2007, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know many Oberlin alums and I’m always struck by how their Oberlin experiences have shaped and continue to shape their lives. A common denominator among our alumni is their determination to be engaged citizens and active members of their communities and a willingness to help make the world a better place. This weekend, 12 of the 22 Oberlin alumni who are National Academy of Sciences members will be on campus for the reunion and symposium “Oberlin and the National Academy of Sciences: Celebrating the Impact and Promise of the Science at Liberal Arts Colleges.”
Marvin Krislov: Sharing the Oberlin Experience


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