Concert Production Office
Virtual Venues with ObieVerb
Audio Services and TIMARA have teamed up to create ObieVerb, an app for macOS that simulates the unique acoustic properties of Oberlin’s recital and concert halls.
Installation Instructions
Download ObieVerb to your Mac.
Once downloaded, your browser (if Chrome) might tell you to “Discard” as it’s “not commonly downloaded.” This is just because it's an app. Tell it to “Keep.”
Double-click the downloaded .zip file to open it. Then right-click (hold down “control” and click) the file, and select “Open.”
A message will come up asking if you “are sure you want to open” this application. Click “Open.”
ObieVerb should open, and you can drop in an audio file, pick a hall, play back the file, change how much of the reverb you want, and then export to a new file!
Watch as Eli Stine ’14, Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Music and Digital Arts, demonstrates ObieVerb.
Learn how ObieVerb came into being, and hear some before-and-after recordings.