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Clear filtersCollege Journey: Chicago --> Oberlin
November 3, 2017
How does a young brother like myself get to Oberlin? More importantly, why?
We Are the Blogs: You Will Be Assimilated
November 2, 2017
If you had told a wee 16-year-old Ruth that she would be moving to a small town surrounded by a LOT of corn in just two short years, I would not have believed you, not even for a hot second.
Comparing Mountains and Molehills
October 22, 2017
A fall break trip to a big university in Colorado helps me reflect on my small-school experience.
October 5, 2017
For the past two months, I've been living my dream of studying abroad in Budapest. It's been everything that I hoped it would be, and nothing like I expected.
Wisdom from Camp and Winnie the Pooh
September 16, 2017
How the most difficult summer of my life turned out to be the best summer of my life.
Orientation Feelings
August 22, 2017
I remember so clearly my mom driving away that first day. She gave me a big hug and got in the rental car. I leaned through the window to give her a kiss on the cheek. It was one of the clearest moments of change in my life, and I felt it in my chest the way you do when you're about to cry.
Becoming One with My Research Fellowship: A Closer Look
August 21, 2017
My research wasn't all movie-watching and scouring old articles from the 70s and the 90s: I made it interactive through re-acquainting myself with the martial arts, specifically kung fu.
What I Learned at the Premier Place for Liberal Learning
August 10, 2017
Am I just an indoctrinated, whiny, liberal arts college grad, snowflake?
A Summer of Movement: The American Dance Festival
August 8, 2017
After only just discovering dance, I dived right in this summer and attended ADF, one of the largest summer dance intensives in the country. What resulted was one of the most empowering, exhausting and transformative experiences of my life.
Packing 101
August 8, 2017
To help you out as summer comes to a close, I wrote up my own basic packing list. Happy packing!
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.