Oberlin Blogs

Teague Harvey ’19

Hey reader!

My name is Teague (he/him/his), and where I'm from is complicated.

My dad worked abroad for a while as a child psychologist in the US military, so I was born in Germany, lived in Sicily for a few years, and then grew up in New Zealand from when I was 7 until I was 18.

At Oberlin, I found my identity and community through movement – I’m the Captain of the Tumbling Club, and I’m involved in OCircus!, the rock climbing community, the swing & blues dancing scenes, and the Dance department.

I also eat in Kosher-Halal Co-op, once worked as an RA, and most importantly: write for the Oberlin Blogs!

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Entries from this blogger


October 5, 2017

For the past two months, I've been living my dream of studying abroad in Budapest. It's been everything that I hoped it would be, and nothing like I expected.


From Surviving to Thriving

April 30, 2017

This past semester, I 'sophomore slumped' hard. I struggled with intense feelings of depression, disconnection, and nihilism, and I critically questioned who I am, who I want to be, and where my place is in the world.
