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October 14, 2012
This is a chance for you to talk to me, whether you are a prospie, prospie's parent, current student, or alum. Feel free to ask questions about Oberlin, tell me what you want to read about, or just say hi.
Experiments with Caffeine
October 12, 2012
In which our intrepid heroine ventures bravely forth into the land of caffeinated beverages.
Campaign Bites
October 5, 2012
This year's alumni council weekend was kicked up about 10 notches, because it was the kickoff of Oberlin Illuminate, our seven-year comprehensive campaign to focus on the future of Oberlin.
Be Mesmerized
October 4, 2012
She conducts extensive interviews with people across the country and uses their words verbatim to develop and tell their stories that address the larger commentary such as the race relations, discrimination, poverty, injustice.
Learning and Labor: My Classes
October 4, 2012
My semesters usually end up organizing themselves around a few different themes or shared ideas. This semester, the themes seem to be bodies/physicality, communities, and, to a somewhat lesser degree, stories.
A Walky with Shorty
September 29, 2012
I've been taking lovely Shorty for walks on the weekends. He is insane.
September 29, 2012
My summer left me wanting a word that spans millennia. I need to talk about my brothers and sisters who populate the biosphere, who live lives beyond human knowing and become sediment when they die.
Morning Routine, aka Websites You Should Know
September 26, 2012
In trying to become a more informed individual, I have given myself rather a lot of work, and I need an hour and half of time just to absorb all the media. I honestly don't mind getting up at seven.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.