Oberlin Blogs
Kriti Godey ’11
Entries from this blogger
Cooking with Grandma
August 1, 2010
I'm unexpectedly spending my summer at home in Visakhapatnam (Vizag), India, and I'm certainly making the most of it.
Schedule Drama
February 26, 2010
Until this semester, I have never shopped for classes. I've always gotten into the classes that I want with pretty much no trouble (taking a lot of mathematics and computer science helps). I didn't understand why everyone always made such a huge deal about Add/Drop (the one and a half week after classes start that you can add or drop classes). Now I do.
All These Things That I Have Done
November 7, 2009
In this post, I talk about exciting things that have happened to me over the past couple of weeks.
The Story of My Epic Roadtrip: Part Two
October 25, 2009
Kriti and Adam were last seen in a Days Inn outside of Charlotte, NC. What will they do next? Find out in the next few paragraphs as we catch up with them on Tuesday, October 20.
The Ongoing Story of My Epic Roadtrip: Part One
October 21, 2009
"Let's go on a roadtrip over fall break! We shouldn't make any plans - just get into the car and go!" "The South! I've never really been there, and I've always wanted to."