Oberlin Blogs

CSA Hot Pot

May 14, 2010

Zoe McLaughlin ’11

Zoë, are you writing this to put it on your blog? 'Cause you shouldn't put it on your blog.

Last weekend, CSA got together for our last big hurrah of the year, so to speak. By this, I mean we ate food, as is our way.

The day started with a few of us meeting in the Con lounge to put together collages for the seniors. I asked why we had chosen to meet there, since one of the two seniors was spending the day hopping between recitals. I never got a good answer, but I did get the pleasure of watching one of my co-chairs pull her out of the Con so that she didn't notice us. She obviously knew something was going on.

Once we finished the collages, we went to the aforementioned senior's house to commence the eating. We packed thirteen or fourteen people around her kitchen table, and ate a lot of food. In theory, everyone was supposed to show up early to chop things, but since we were making the collages, that didn't happen. We did, though, arrive in time to help heat up a few things. As I stood in the kitchen watching other people cook, I realized a few things: first, that next year this is going to happen in my house (Did I mention that I have a house next year? Probably not. But I do.) and second, that we've become disturbingly like a family.

Maybe this bit of sentimentality was brought on by the fact that I was standing in a normal kitchen, not a tiny dorm kitchen or an industrial-sized co-op kitchen. Maybe it was because we were all gossiping and making fun of each other. Maybe I was just excited about all the food. But whatever the reason, I felt quite content. I even did dishes once we were done eating.

But if you're like me, you don't care about the dishes, you care about the food. So here it is.

On a table are many dishes of food, ready for a buffet.
What I thought was the entire spread of food. As it turns out, there was even more than this.


More plates and bowls full of food.
More food was added to the table. More food, and the actual hot pots.


A hot pot with a leafy soup. A bowl of mushrooms. Chopsticks.
One of the hot pots in action.


A small bowl with some rice, a yellow sauce, a spoon, and chopsticks.
The view from where I sat.


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