Alumni Association
Reunions at Oberlin

Photo credit: Marti Hwang
2025 Commencement and Milestone Reunion Weekend
Milestone 25th (Class of 2000) and 50th (Class of 1975) reunions will take place during Commencement Weekend, May 23-26, 2025. We are thrilled to welcome back alumni from our 65th Cluster (Classes of '58, '59, and '60) who will also be part of May's reunions!
Registration for 2025 Commencement and Milestone Reunion Weekend is now open!
Looking for a list of attendees? Click on "Register Here" and scroll down to see a list of other alumni planning to attend CMRW.
Registration for this event closes on Friday, May 16, 2025.
2025 Homecoming and Reunion Weekend
Alumni in our 10th (Classes of '14, '15, and '16), 30th (Classes of '94, '95, and '96), 45th (Classes of '79, '80, and '81), and 60th (Classes of '64, '65, and '66) clusters will hold reunions in the fall during Homecoming Weekend, October 10-12, 2025.
Registration will open on August 1, 2025.
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