Office of Student Accounts

Tuition and Fees

2024-25 Academic Year Tuition Policy

The College reserves the right to move to remote instruction as required for the health and safety of the community. Some or all instruction for all or part of the 2024-2025 academic year may be delivered remotely.  Tuition and mandatory fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year.

Tuition and Fees 2024-25

Tuition and Fees Cost/​Semester Cost/​Year
Tuition and Fees Tuition Cost/​Semester $33,205 Cost/​Year $66,410
Tuition and Fees Mandatory Activity Fee Cost/​Semester $287 Cost/​Year $574
Tuition and Fees Mandatory Health Fee Cost/​Semester $166 Cost/​Year $332
Tuition and Fees Green Edge Fund Fee Cost/​Semester $25 Cost/​Year $50

Meal Plan Rates 2024-25

Plan Name Cost/​Semester Cost/​Year Require­ments for Eligibility
Plan Name GoYeo Plan Cost/​Semester $4,915 Cost/​Year $9,830 Require­ments for Eligibility None
Plan Name Gold Plan Cost/​Semester $4,915 Cost/​Year $9,830 Require­ments for Eligibility None
Plan Name Cardinal Plan Cost/​Semester $2,730 Cost/​Year $5,460 Require­ments for Eligibility Students who have completed three or more years

Housing Rates 2024-25

Housing Type Occupancy Cost/​Semester Cost/​Year
Housing Type All Room Types, All Students Occupancy One or multiple Cost/​Semester $4,840 Cost/​Year $9,680

Other Charges

Student Health Insurance $2,867
Over Hours Fee per Credit Hour $1,630
Part Time per Credit Hour $2,770