
Aahil Singh ’26 Turns Inspiration to Action

October 14, 2024

Communications Staff

After being fascinated with the research of Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science Joshua H. Davidson ’12, Aahil Singh ’26 decided to pursue a similar project. As a double major in mathematics and economics with a statistical modeling minor and data science concentration, Aahil appreciates how concepts can cross disciplines. Through Summer Experience Funding, over the summer, he worked on a research paper with Professor Davidson on the subject of transportation.
Student presents research on large screen.

Moe Ariyoshi ’26 on Morals and Technology

October 11, 2024

Communications Staff

Moe Ariyoshi ’26 had a meaningful summer at Carnegie India through Summer Experience Funding. At Oberlin, she is a computer science major with a double minor in politics and economics, and concentrations in international affairs and data science. Here, they reflect on how Oberlin shaped their morals.
View of flags and mountains.
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