
Winter Term: Butterflies, One of Nature’s Flashiest Pollinators

September 14, 2020

Yvonne Gay

Mary Perchlik adores butterflies. That interest led to her month-long project in August, which combined the study of butterflies on a species level while maintaining a broader focus on environmental systems that support butterflies and their interactions between different plants, insects, and habitats.
A girl stands in an open window.

Pandemic Impact Award Helps Zoe Swann ’19 Continue Research on StartReact Effect

September 9, 2020

Yvonne Gay

After graduating from Oberlin College with high honors in neuroscience and a concentration in linguistics, Zoe Swann ’19 immediately embarked on a PhD program at Arizona State University (ASU), where she began writing a literature review, and started developing a dissertation proposal. Then COVID-19 struck. It brought her research to a screeching halt until her lab was granted a $1,500 Pandemic Impact Award to support research expenses.
A student injects fluid into EEG electrodes

The Allen Memorial Art Museum Reopens

September 1, 2020

Yvonne Gay

Late last month, a small group of new Oberlin faculty members stood in a large circle, six feet apart, in the King Sculpture Court of the Allen Memorial Art Museum. The invited group were among the first visitors inside the space since it closed in late March. This month the museum reopens with regular hours to members of the college community.
People wearing mouth and nose masks walk through an art gallery.


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