Conner Wyman ’24 Earns Fulbright to Paraguay

The politics and history double major will be teaching English classes and leading cultural events.

July 9, 2024

Communications Staff

Connor Wyman
Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones '97

Conner Wyman ’24 has earned a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) to Paraguay for the 2024-2025 academic year. The politics and history double major, who’s from Old Lyme, Connecticut, will be based in the capital city of Asunción, teaching English classes and leading cultural events at the National University of Asunción. “Specifically, I will be working at the Thomas Edison American Corner, which offers free English language instruction and cultural programming to the public through the National University of Asunción and the United States embassy in Paraguay,” he says. “I am most looking forward to the opportunity to explore and learn more about Paraguay!”

How did Oberlin influence you to pursue the Fulbright?
I became interested in teaching English as a second language after taking a course with Larissa Fekete, ESOL 401: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The course gave me the opportunity to learn a ton about the process of teaching English and helped inspire a love of teaching and language learning.

Pairing an interest in teaching with my politics and history coursework on Latin America also seemed natural. By taking Latin American politics courses with Professor of Politics Kristina Mani, I had the opportunity to learn more about the political systems, social movements, and international politics of Latin America. These courses have inspired me to want to learn more about Latin America and travel there through the Fulbright program.

Finally, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Havana, Cuba, in fall 2023. While there, I served as an English language tutor at the University of Havana, an experience that helped me gain valuable skills like teaching English and improving my Spanish-speaking skills. The opportunity to study abroad helped me develop a love for travel, new experiences, and adventures, which made Fulbright an attractive opportunity after graduation! (I also completed a Winter Term project researching civil rights in Modern Cuba.)

How does pursuing the Fulbright align with your post-college life and career goals?
As a history and politics major, Fulbright presents an incredible opportunity to gain a better understanding of Paraguayan culture and become fluent in the Spanish language. I also hope to gain additional teaching experience through the program which I can apply in my post-college life. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet after Fulbright, but am thinking about teaching or potentially pursuing a graduate degree in political science.

What’s the best advice you’ve received from your Oberlin faculty mentor?
"When writing something, always break it down into manageable chunks and proceed from there!" 

Activities Conner was involved at Oberlin: Oberlin Arts & Sciences Orchestra; Oberlin Arts & Sciences Chamber Collective; Oberlin Club Tennis Team. Politics honors program with Professor David Forrest, focusing on the environmental movement in the United States.

If you’re a rising or graduating senior interested in Fulbright, connect with Fellowships & Awards to learn more about pursuing research or an arts project, obtaining a graduate degree, or teaching English in a foreign country of your choice following graduation.

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