News Collection

After Oberlin

What lies ahead for Oberlin graduates? They’ve risen to the challenge of rigorous academics, they’ve pursued their passions and taken advantage of real-world experience, and now they’re ready to forge their own paths.

Follow recent grads as they land in highly coveted positions and career-making internships and graduate programs.

Seeing Results

November 17, 2014

Rachel Marino ’13 applies her research to education programs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, making art-based education more accessible to students and teachers alike.
Rachel Marino ’13 posed with art

A Formula for the Future

November 11, 2014

Majoring in mathematics at Oberlin opens doors in every direction, giving students an adaptable problem-solving tool.
White board with math equations

Analysis for Equality

August 26, 2014

Zohra Ansari-Thomas ’14 prevents discrimination one data set at a time while creating affirmative action plans at the law firm Littler Mendelson.
Room with computer monitors and keyboard

Life in Technicolor

August 25, 2014

Cinema studies major Alexis Gee ’14 sets off on her path to becoming a film editor with a client services position at the post-production company Technicolor-Postworks New York.
Alexis Gee ’14

Get On Board

August 25, 2014

Jack Ratner ’14 goes from computer science student to junior engineer at a start-up technology company, Bandwagon, that has introduced a ride-sharing smartphone app to reduce pollution and traffic in New York City.
Bandwagon team members

On the Path to Entrepreneurship

June 9, 2014

Robert Palacios ’14 has been recruited by Venture for America to help grow a startup company based in Cleveland.
Robert Palacios ’14

Taking on Detroit

August 5, 2013

As a Venture for America Fellow, May graduate Matthew Fish looks forward to rebuilding his hometown, Detroit.
Detroit Industry mural

Putting Tracks to Wax

August 2, 2013

Though new technology has revolutionized media consumption, recent graduate Adrian Rew has started a business using something far older—vinyl records.
Adrian Rew ’13 surrounded by shelves full of LP records

In Search of Women Farmers

July 16, 2013

Recent graduate Lake Buckley is cycling across the country to raise awareness of small-scale organic farms and the women who operate them.
Two women tour a garden along a city sidewalk

Cold Cash for Study of Ultracold Atoms

May 29, 2013

Jennifer Schloss ’11 has won a Hertz Fellowship, the nation’s most generous support for graduate education in the applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences.
Jennifer Schloss ’11

Running Around the World

January 8, 2013

Back from training with athletes on three continents, Joanna Johnson ’11 has learned a thing or two about what motivates people to run — including herself.
Joanna Johnson ’11 running along an asphalt path.
