Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Seniors Link In

October 13, 2013

Communications Staff

The Senior-to-Senior Networking event, held Thursday, October 10, allowed members of the graduating class to get advice from their peers on the routes they are taking or are planning to take after graduation.
A photographer and student look at the screen on a camera

Changes to Health Care Plans for 2014

October 9, 2013

Cynthia Nickoloff

There are several changes to the college health care plans for 2014. Please read this overview of changes before deciding on coverage for 2014. Open enrollment for 2014 coverage ends October 31, 2013.

Theory of Mind and the Liberal Arts

October 9, 2013

Marvin Krislov

A recent study shows that reading literary fiction cultivates in readers the ability to imagine the interior lives of complex people. It also underscores the importance of the humanities in general in cultivating understanding of others and empathy.
Marvin Krislov, President

eighth blackbird's Mini Residency

October 8, 2013

Erich Burnett

On Friday, October 4, eighth blackbird, the three-time Grammy winning contemporary chamber music ensemble founded by conservatory alumni, joined the Contemporary Music Ensemble in a performance featuring original works by Oberlin faculty members Tom Lopez and Peter Swendsen, as well as composer-in-residence Benjamin Broening.

Welcome Home

October 2, 2013

Marvin Krislov

This weekend, we celebrate with our neighbor, Kendal at Oberlin, and with our athletes—past and present—and our friends.

How Would a Government Shutdown Affect Higher Education?

September 30, 2013

Communications Staff

If Congress fails to pass a stopgap-spending bill today and the government shuts down, the immediate effect on colleges and students will be minimal according to the Department of Education.


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