Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Latin Icon and Migration Exhibit

April 22, 2014

Communications Staff

Margaret Middleton ’17 stands next to her artwork, which was part of the “Latin Icon and Migration Exhibition” in Spanish House on April 15. The exhibit showcased students’ oral...

The Sounds of Music

April 16, 2014

Marvin Krislov

Spring in Oberlin features the usual wonders of flowers blooming, grass growing, and birds singing. But Oberlin’s springtime awakening is accompanied by something you won’t find or hear at other colleges—the sounds of music being practiced, played, and performed all over campus.

Spring Back

April 14, 2014

Communications Staff

Spring Back, an evening of student- and faculty-choreographed work, took place in Warner Main on Saturday, April 12. Fall Forward (performed in early November) and Spring Back are traditions at...

Serving the Community

April 9, 2014

Marvin Krislov

Working to build a better community for all has been part of Oberlin’s ethos since its founding and I am proud to say that the spirit of serving to make the world a better place for all, is alive and well.

Seven Receive Tenure

April 9, 2014

Communications Staff

Oberlin’s Board of Trustees has approved recommendations to reappoint with continuous tenure seven assistant professors and promote them to the rank of associate professor.

Thanks for Being You

April 2, 2014

Marvin Krislov

I thank all of you in advance for being a welcoming, caring, and engaged community, and I look forward to meeting the students and families who will form Oberlin’s Class of 2018.


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