Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Let It Snow, Oberlin!

December 22, 2015

Communications Staff

Unseasonably high temperatures have kept Oberlin snow-free so far this December, so we’re making our own winter wonderland using alternative snow! Check it out on the Oberlin College YouTube...

Pottery Co-op Makes Mugs to be Sold at Holiday Concert

December 11, 2015

Communications Staff

Members of the Pottery Co-op busily make mugs to be sold for $15 each at the Empty Mugs Holiday Brass & Organ Spectacular concert on December 15. Mug sales at the concert benefit Oberlin Community Services, a responsive community organization that provides support and emergency assistance to people in need from Oberlin and nearby communities. To see more behind-the-scenes photos of the mug-making process, click “Read more and comment.”

Oberlin’s Commitment to Climate Action

December 10, 2015

Marvin Krislov

In the lead-up to the international climate talks in Paris, our college reiterated its commitment to climate action in a letter to the Obama administration, and our faculty affirmed Oberlin’s commitment to sustainability and combating climate change by approving an implementation plan for achieving our goals of becoming carbon neutral by 2025.


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