Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Office of Communications Plants Garden

June 7, 2016

Communications Staff

Director of Print and Publications Kelly Viancourt works on a garden with other Office of Communications staff members on Friday, May 27. The garden was planted in memory of Cindy Nickoloff '88...

Commencement 2016 in Photos: Monday, May 23

May 27, 2016

Communications Staff

Members of the Class of 2016 take a photo together on the morning of May 23 while waiting for Commencement to begin. Click “Read more and comment” to see more photos from Commencement 2016.

Commencement 2016 in Photos: Sunday, May 22

May 26, 2016

Communications Staff

This gallery is a sampling of photographs from events that took place Sunday, May 22. A full album of photos from this day can be seen on Flickr .

Commencement 2016 in Photos: Saturday, May 21

May 25, 2016

Communications Staff

This gallery is a sampling of photographs from events that took place Saturday, May 21. A full album of photos from this day can be seen on Flickr .

Reviewing Oberlin’s Campus Climate Report

May 24, 2016

Marvin Krislov

President Marvin Krislov thanks those who helped make Commencement/Reunion Weekend 2016 a success; shares Oberlin’s efforts to address campus concerns regarding bias, sexual misconduct, and disability; and congratulates the Preying Manti on the team’s successful season.


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