Campus News

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Celebrating Juneteenth in Oberlin

June 15, 2021

Office of Communications

Saturday, June 19, is Juneteenth in America. Long celebrated as an Independence Day in the African American community, Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Although Ohio has observed Juneteenth since 2009, it was recently in December of 2020 that it became recognized as an official holiday for all Ohioans. In honor of this significant milestone in American history, the college has put together some resources and a list of local events.

Children dancing at Juneteenth celebration

Who is Judy Laushman?

June 1, 2021

Yvonne Gay

Although many offices close during winter shutdown and at the end of the academic year, the world atop the Science Center has no concept of calendar breaks. The space in this glass rooftop is frequented everyday by its caretaker. Who Am I?

A portrait of a oman with plants behind her.


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