Faculty and Staff Notes

Sebastiaan Faber Coauthors Article

July 30, 2015

An article coauthored by Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies and chair of Latin American studies, and Bécquer Seguín was published in the Nation. Read the article, “Why the Spanish Government Opposes Debt Relief for Greece”.

Meredith Gadsby Gives BBC interview for Documentary on Toni Morrison

July 24, 2015

Associate Professor of Africana Studies Meredith Gadsby was interviewed by the BBC for a documentary on author Toni Morrison. In the interview, Gadsby relays the tragic story of Lee Howard Dobbins, a 4-year-old fugitive slave who died after he made the journey to Oberlin, and explains the inspiration for Morrison's Bench the Road project. Gadsby is the faculty liaison for the Toni Morrison Society. The clip can be viewed here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02x4clm

Carol Lasser elected president of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic

July 23, 2015

Professor of History Carol Lasser was elected president of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR), an organization of about 1000 people, during the annual meeting on July 18.

Established in 1977, SHEAR is an association of scholars dedicated to exploring the events and the meaning of United States history between 1776 and 1861. SHEAR’s mission is to foster the study of the early republican period among professional historians, students, and the general public. It upholds the highest intellectual standards of the historical profession and encourages the broad diffusion of historical insights through all appropriate channels, including schools, museums, libraries, electronic media, public programming, archives, and publications.

Lasser has attended SHEAR conferences since 1983, and has served on the Conference Planning Committeee, the Advisory Council, and the Editorial Board of SHEAR's journal, The Journal of the Early Republic. She will be inaugurated as president at the next meeting in July 2016.

Renee Romano Gives Plenary Address

July 9, 2015

Renee Romano, professor of history, comparative American studies, and Africana studies, gave the opening plenary address at the Southern Association of Women Historians Conference, which was held in Charleston, South Carolina, in June. Her address, “The Limits of Commemoration: Civil Rights Memory and the Enduring Challenge of Innocence,” explored the seeming disjuncture between the extensive commemoration of the civil rights movement and our contemporary moment of pervasive inequality and racial violence.

Cindy Frantz Gives Talk

July 9, 2015

Professor of Psychology Cindy Frantz gave the talk "Harnessing the most powerful drivers of human behavior to promote wildlife conservation" at the USC Conference on Conservation, Computation, & Criminology (C4) on June 29, 2015, in Washington DC. The talk discussed how powerful motivations that are not in individuals’ economic or biological best interests can be harnessed to promote the protection of forests, fisheries, and wildlife.

Jennifer Fraser Publishes Book

July 1, 2015

Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology and Anthropology Jennifer Fraser's book "Gongs & Pop Songs: Sounding Minangkabau in Indonesia" has been published by Ohio University Press. In the book, Fraser explores a little-known gong tradition from Sumatra called talempong, long associated with people who identify themselves as Minangkabau.

More information can be found on the Ohio University Press website.

Clayton Koppes Presents Paper

June 25, 2015

Clayton Koppes, professor of history, delivered a paper at the International Association for History and Media conference at Indiana University, Bloomington, on June 18. The paper was titled "What's New Is Old: North Atlantic Movie Censorship in Its Formative Years."

Crystal Biruk Presents Chapter

June 25, 2015

Crystal Biruk, assistant professor of anthropology, presented a chapter of her book in progress at Dreaming of Health and Science in Africa: Aesthetics, Affects, Poetics, and Politics, a conference convened at the Wellcome Trust Conference Center in Cambridgeshire, UK, June 13-15.

Richard Salter, Nancy Darling Give Demonstration

June 11, 2015

Richard Salter, professor of computer science, and Nancy Darling, professor of psychology, gave the 70-minute demonstration "Nova: A New Tool for System Dynamics, Agent-Based, and Spatial Modeling” at the Innovations in Collaborative Modeling conference held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, on June 4. Drawn from Darling’s research, the demonstration applied the Nova modeling system to an example of social contagion of problem behavior in the classroom. Salter described how Nova, which he designed and implemented, was used to create that and other computational models.

At the same time, Wayne M. Getz, A. Starker Leopold professor of wildlife ecology at UC Berkeley, presented at the DIMACS MPE 2013+ Workshop on Management of Natural Resources about joint work with Salter. The paper, entitled “A Nova Model and Web App for Sustainable Harvesting and Population Viability Analyses in Teaching and Research,” discusses the application of the Nova software platform to constructing models and web applications for both harvesting and population viability analyses of African wildlife—particularly issues concerning rhino conservation.

Salter, Darling, Getz, and modeling expert Tony Starfield will all be at Oberlin College June 15-19 for the Workshop on Quantitative Reasoning Pedagogy & Computational Modeling with Nova Software, held in collaboration with the CLEAR center.

Julia Christensen Awarded MacDowell Fellowship

June 8, 2015

Assistant Professor of Integrated Media Art Julia Christensen has been awarded a MacDowell Fellowship for Fall 2015. According to Christensen, MacDowell selects just 270 fellows out of the approximate 2,800 applications it receives every year.

As a MacDowell fellow, Christensen will complete a residency at MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire, the oldest and most revered artist colony in the nation. She will be working on her piece The Big Feed, which is part of her Creative Capital-supported work about our cultural relationships with discarded electronics.