Sebastiaan Faber
- Professor of Hispanic Studies
Sebastiaan Faber Coauthors Analysis of Spain's Parliamentary Elections
August 16, 2023
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has coauthored an analysis of Spain's parliamentary elections, which took place on July 23, for the Nation magazine. He also appeared on CNBC International and was quoted in articles on the topic in Vox, the Miami Herald, Montréal's La Presse, and the Dutch venue Nu. The second, revised edition of Prof. Faber's book Exhuming Franco: Spain's Second Transition is due out with Vanderbilt University Press in November.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes Book on Spain's Image; Contributes to Article
December 1, 2022
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published a short book about Spain's international image, Leyendas negras, marcas blancas. La malsana obsesión con la imagen de España en el mundo, in a series edited by the magazine Contexto. He has also contributed an article to a thematic issue of the Journal of Academic Freedom, published by the AAUP, on recent political challenges to academic freedom in history teaching and research. In October, he interviewed Astra Taylor about student debt relief in the United States and spoke in a podcast with Jacobin's Eoghan Gilmartin about the Spanish novelist Javier Marías, who died in September.
Sebastiaan Faber Gives Interviews on New Book
May 20, 2022
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has given half a dozen interviews in the Spanish media—including El País, La Vanguardia, Contexto, and national public radio—about his newly translated book, Franco desenterrado. La segunda Transición española, which came out in early February. In March, Faber published a piece in The Conversation on the international volunteers in the Ukraine war and Spanish Civil war, in both English and Spanish.
Renee Romano quoted in Spanish magazine article written by Sebastiaan Faber
September 24, 2021
Robert S. Danforth Professor of History Renee Romano is quoted at length in a long-form article on the return of "patriotic" history in the United States and Europe, published in the Spanish magazine CTXT. The article is authored by Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber.
Sebastiaan Faber coauthors piece for The Nation; is featured in new podcast series
July 14, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has coauthored a piece in The Nation magazine on the Spanish government's decision to pardon nine Catalan leaders who were sent to prison for their involvement in a referendum for independence. Faber, whose new book Exhuming Franco (Vanderbilt University Press) came out in April, is also featured in Noiser's new podcast series Real Dictators, narrated by Paul McGann.
Sebastiaan Faber provides analysis of Madrid election
May 3, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber and co-author Bécquer Seguín analyze Madrid’s May 4 regional election, which could shape the future of Spanish politics in an article for The Nation, “The Center Cannot Hold in Spain, but Can the Left Take Advantage?”
Sebastiaan Faber publishes book that explores the legacy of dictator Francisco Franco
April 5, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published a new book. Exhuming Franco: Spain's Second Transition (Vanderbilt University Press) explores what is left of Francisco Franco's legacy in Spain today. For some, the recent exhumation of the dictator's remains from the massive monument in which they'd been buried since his death in 1975 confirmed that Spain is a modern, consolidated democracy. Yet in reality the country is still deeply affected—and divided—by the dictatorial legacies of Francoism.
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber interviewed about Spain's newly proposed memory law.
October 4, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed by Jacobin Magazine about Spain's newly proposed memory law, a topic about which he published an op-ed last week in the Spanish magazine Contexto. This past month, the same magazine has run Q&As by Faber with journalist Tim Weiner (on Russian meddling in the 2016 elections), photography curator Cynthia Young (on Robert Capa), and author Benjamin Moser (on his Susan Sontag biography), all in Spanish.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed on Spain's Efforts to Alleviate Economic Blow of COVID-19
April 13, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on the Real News Network about efforts in Spain to alleviate the economic blow of COVID-19 with a form of permanent income for the lowest-earning segments of society.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed about Impact of COVID-19 on Spain
March 30, 2020
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, was interviewed in a segment on the Real News Network about the impact of COVID-19 on the Spanish public healthcare system.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-Authors Analysis
January 8, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber co-authored a piece in the Nation analyzing the Spanish parliment's vote to install its first progressive coalition government in more than 80 years.
Telling Complicated Stories
March 21, 2025
It’s been nearly a half-century since the Spanish Nationalist general-turned-fascist dictator Francisco Franco Bahamonde died after close to 40 years in power. That’s a long time for a country to exist under a dictatorship. But even now, Spaniards can’t agree on what it all meant or what lingering effects it may have on Spain today — if they bother to discuss it at all.
Henry O’Connor ’24 Awarded Critical Language Scholarship
April 7, 2021
“In learning a language, you open your eyes and mind to a whole new world of opportunities and people,” says Henry O’Connor ’24. As a Critical Language Scholarship recipient, he will spend the summer immersed in Mandarin.
Teaching in the New Normal: Professor Sebastiaan Faber
April 22, 2020
These days, the classroom has taken on new meaning for both faculty and students at Oberlin. In this edition of Teaching in the New Normal, Faber explains how a chance film assignment became a fitting discussion piece.