Program Overview

Music Theory

Music theory is a part of every area of study in the conservatory. We stress aural skills, critical thinking, analysis, and writing to help students find as many ways as possible to not only understand music but to also engage with it deeply.

classroom lecture

Professor Jan Miyake ’96 teaches in one of her music theory classes.

Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones ’97

Program Facts

Division Director

Jared Hartt,
Barker Professor of Music Theory


Jeanne Rosecrans, Administrative Assistant


Oberlin Orchestra in Finney Chapel

Oberlin Orchestra Performance in Finney Chapel.

Photo credit: John Seyfried

Performance Ensembles

Oberlin sponsors approximately 500 concerts on campus each year, including recitals and concerts by the more than 25 student ensembles, and performances and master classes by guest artists.

Performance Ensembles

Music Theory News

Meet the Conservatory’s Newest Tenure-Track Faculty

October 4, 2023

Five members of the conservatory faculty have been granted tenure-track positions beginning this academic year. They span the disciplines of music theory , composition , trombone , and TIMARA —...

Bibbins Hall in early autumn.