Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
IRB Members
Contact IRB
Send all applications to
Send all inquiries to Michael Parkin.
Michael Parkin
Associate Dean of the College, Chair ex officio
Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Cox Administration Building, Room 101
70 N. Professor St.
Oberlin, OH 44074-1090
Phone: 440.775.8410
Committee Members:
Michael Parkin Associate Dean and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences ex officio
Pam Snyder, Executive Director of Grants Office, ex officio
1. Taylor Allen, Associate Professor of Biology (fall only)
2. Dan Styer, John and Marianne Schiffer Professor of Physics
3. Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway, Professor of Anthropology
4. Andrea McAlister, Associate Professor of Piano Pedagogy
5. Daphne John, Associate Professor of Sociology and Comparative American Studies
6. Jennifer Garcia, Assistant Professor of Politics and Comparative American Studies
Linda Gates, Community Representative