Center for Information Technology

CIT Support

You can get help anytime—even outside of regular Help Desk hours—with our online Tech Support Portal, where you can find both ‘‘how-to’’ and ‘‘fix-it’’ articles for common issues or submit a support ticket to our behind-the-scenes experts.

Visit Tech Support Portal


CIT provides full hardware and software support for all college-owned computers provided by CIT. Contact us as soon as practical to begin any necessary repairs.

Because of their specialized purposes and peripheral equipment and software, CIT can only provided limited support for research computers, i.e. those procured with research funds, grant funds, or startup funds.

CIT normally does not fund replacement computers for these systems once they reach the end of their life cycle. CIT staff members will provide advice to faculty seeking assistance in determining the best system possible to meet their research needs. 

Faculty seeking advice in this regard should contact IT Support by visiting the Services Portal or by calling 440-775-8197.

If your computer has a hardware failure, like a crashed drive, you must contact the manufacturer directly. In some circumstances, CIT can provide limited support in facilitating the repair with the manufacturer.

CIT is not responsible for any data on a personally owned computer. Depending on the nature of any support, the drive of a computer may require reformatting; thus, erasing all data forever.

 Make a backup of your important data before bringing it to the CIT Help Desk.