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Clear filtersThe College Decision
April 30, 2010
Isaac recalls his own college decision and gives advice for those in the same tough situation.
Paid Agents. To Use or Not To Use. That is the Question.
April 26, 2010
The idea of using an agent has some merit. But what are the values of those things? That depends in large part on what other sources of information are available and how much they cost.
Creative Writing, Hopes, and Dreams.
April 26, 2010
Applications for 300-level creative writing classes are coming up, and I am biting my fingernails. So rather than work on my actual application, here is a look at the gruff world of major-choosing, plus a declaration of love for my professors.
April 26, 2010
This being my first Oberlin blog entry and all, perhaps some introductions are in order.
The classes for which I registered
April 24, 2010
In case anyone missed it, I'll say the point of this post again, in plain English: I'm going to be a senior.
Big Choices
April 21, 2010
Housing registration, class registration, and how I (probably) picked my major.
Major IMPROV'ment
April 20, 2010
Out of the stress of the earliest parts of the meeting was born an uneasy sense of confidence that we could make the audience that night laugh, either for us or at us.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.