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Clear filtersI've Been Back For . . .
September 11, 2011
A batch of chai cinnamon rolls, a pan of brownies, a Cat cookie, a night of playing with glow poi, a contra dance, three textbook sales, many books, many friends.
Hello Goodbye
September 10, 2011
In which I very belatedly introduce myself so that we can be friends.
September 10, 2011
We're sending some new bloggers to the European bureau. Meet them here.
Countdown to Commencement?
September 8, 2011
And then, all of a sudden, I was a fifth-year. Here we go again!
Stacks on stacks on stacks, of stuff.
September 5, 2011
Hi, my name's Chinwe. I've got too much stuff and I'm terrible at packing.
Musical Theater, Brought to You By Oberlin Cross Country
September 3, 2011
Now the main event of camp has my old friend sex appeal in spades. It is the Musical, and it is guaranteed to give you what you need.
Postcards from Italy
August 31, 2011
or, What I Did Over My Summer Vacation: archaeological fieldwork and an experiment in transatlantic blogging!
What does Oberlin sound like?
August 28, 2011
An attempt to collect my own personal (and your!) Oberanthems. Full of music and playlists!
I'm Waiting for the Day
August 23, 2011
Vorfreude, n. f: German for the anticipation of future joy, as in the week preceding Christmas, or just before all of your friends return for another year in Oberlin.
Chinese Students Association wants YOU
August 22, 2011
I go to CSA when I need a shoulder to cry on or a piece of roast pork to eat. And I learn about Chinese culture in the process.
Be More Than Social
August 17, 2011
Uncertainty built in us varying degrees of anxiety, excitement, and anticipation about this tremendous life change we were about to undergo. The playing field was fairly level; none of us knew anything.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.