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Clear filtersOn Photography, Discipline, and the Lessons of Winter Term
January 28, 2013
In my last post, I talked a lot about the freedom of Winter Term, and how fun and fulfilling it can be. But I wholeheartedly believe that on the flip side of any freedom is discipline.
Flying the Coop
January 27, 2013
For real this time. Here's why I'm leaving, and why I'm coming back.
Staying in Touch Was Never My Strong Suit
January 24, 2013
I have a great love for many of the people around me, but I don't do social. Reconciling those two facts is a battle that I'm not sure I'm winning.
A (my) Typical Weekday in Oberlin
January 22, 2013
I'll go with describing an average Thursday last semester, as that was my favorite day of the week.
What I Always Imagined Winter Term Would Feel Like
January 21, 2013
Did I promise I was going to talk more about linguistics? Yes. Would I be doing this even if I hadn't promised? You couldn't stop me with a heavy blunt object, my friend.
A Conversation With Myself
January 20, 2013
Freshman Ben answers Prospie Ben's questions about life at Oberlin.
A visual guide to how I spent my winter terms
January 20, 2013
After three years in the cold Northeast, I needed a change.
What's up, Arizona?
January 17, 2013
In which I express my bountiful appreciation for this little thing called Winter Term.
Obies, Obies Everywhere!
January 16, 2013
No, this isn't about Lena Dunham. You can relax. There is a picture of a kitten inside!
January 16, 2013
...and the tricky business of knowing when they exist and when they don't.
I went out to get me a cold pop... (And other excuses for my absence)
January 16, 2013
I didn't grab no shoes or nothin' Jesus. I rayan for my life. (All the way to New York.)

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