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November 22, 2014
An exploration into statistics and its academic versatility.
Classic Classes Post
November 18, 2014
Well, midterms have blown by and finals are rushing towards us. Why don't I take a break from my frenzied studying and tell you about what classes I'm taking this semester?
Ousting Grade Gloom
November 14, 2014
When your grades aren't what you want them to be, consider using these steps to achieve an effective emotional and mental recovery.
Classic Underclassman: Classy or Unclassifiable?
November 8, 2014
Because what's classier than classifying an unclassifiable underclassman's classes through classical music?
Back to Basics
October 5, 2014
Gather around, everyone, it's story time. Uncle Simba has a confession to make.
Location, Location, Location
September 19, 2014
What does it mean to be able to locate yourself within academic work? Can you see yourself in the very spaces and fields that you learn about or is formalized learning an isolated process for you?
Registration Wars: The Return of the Jedi
August 15, 2014
Everything I learned about course registration (plus some additional advice from Obies who have been there, done that).
50 Pearls of Wisdom: Part Two
August 7, 2014
An extended second edition of words to the wise about life, college and some useful takeaways for Oberlin and beyond.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.