Oberlin Blogs
Alexandria Cunningham ’16
Entries from this blogger
Before You Go
July 20, 2016
In those fleeting moments where you find yourself wedged between possibility and rejection, remember these things... before you go.
The Honor Is Mine
June 21, 2016
Graduation caps, some love and a few honorable mentions from a blogger on her way out.
Write As You Are
May 27, 2016
We are all made up of stories, but what is the introductory story we give continually rotating audiences who attempt to be guests at our theater of life?
Dear Graduate,
May 26, 2016
Spirits are rejoicing all across the nation as commencement happens. Here are a few words to my fellow graduates (as well as myself) to keep as we all move forward in life.
The Essence of Time
February 2, 2016
What is the essence of time? Why is Winter Term a great way to think through this question. Let's explore it, together!
35 Notes on Burnout & Healing
January 17, 2016
When it comes to being a college student and experiencing exhaustion, there is a lot of similarity across experience but general silence around what to (proactively) do about it. So let's talk!
My Least Favorite
November 6, 2015
Every time I encounter a prospective student visiting campus I am asked the inevitable question, "What is your least favorite thing about Oberlin?" Here's a post about how I think through that question.
The Last Ride
August 20, 2015
The countdown to campus is T-minus 8 days until returning move-in!! Here's the checklist of things you probably didn't get...
Dreams to Vision
August 9, 2015
Oberlin is full of visionaries but how does all that happen? Where did these folks start? Can that be me too?! Let's talk about it!
Senior to Senior
May 17, 2015
To the Class of 2015 graduating next week to the incoming Class of 2019, here are some words from one senior to another.
ExCo Fever
April 11, 2015
What is the most memorable course you took at Oberlin? Why was it so amazing? If you could teach a course, how would you do it?
Legacy, Heritage and Love
February 20, 2015
What is the heart of cultural celebrations? Here's some insight on Black History Month.
Resolve to Action: Winter Term + Opportunity
February 7, 2015
As well-intentioned as our resolutions may be, perhaps focused goals are more useful.
One Major Down
January 15, 2015
For anyone who has ever debated what college major to choose or wants to know what it feels like to find "home" in ALL of the work that you do... you should read this.
What Do I Do It For?
November 7, 2014
Why college? Is it the only option? When you get here, what will you find here? College is a beautiful fancy world but from time to time we must all ask ourselves... what do I do it for?
Back At It
October 23, 2014
Getting back to the grind on campus entails a lot. Let's have a conversation about mental health and wellness, specifically for returning folks.
Location, Location, Location
September 19, 2014
What does it mean to be able to locate yourself within academic work? Can you see yourself in the very spaces and fields that you learn about or is formalized learning an isolated process for you?
To Be Loved
September 9, 2014
I had a great first week of school and it was because of all the positivity and love around me. So I got creative and wrote a post about loving the love around me and extending it further.
August 25, 2014
In light of the rising of Ferguson, MO to mass media attention and the ever increasing black and brown bodies being lost, I took some time to reflect on what I am called to do. First and foremost was to qualify what this blog is for and to set the tone for what is to come.
Love, Mama
August 25, 2014
"Disclaimers" sets the context for this open letter of sorts that captures elements of a relationship that stands the test of time among a variety of societal challenges, perceptions and misunderstandings.
50 Pearls of Wisdom: Part Two
August 7, 2014
An extended second edition of words to the wise about life, college and some useful takeaways for Oberlin and beyond.
Present and Represent
July 15, 2014
Tupac once said, "I'm a reflection of the community," and this is how I apply that mentality to my Mellon research.
Confessions of an Undergraduate Researcher
July 3, 2014
So here's a bit about undergraduate research at Oberlin, some personal thoughts and some new directions for my own personal, community-engaged research.
50 Pearls of Wisdom: Part One
June 27, 2014
College can be hard and since there is a new class of incoming students, I wanted to share some major advice, love and answers with you all before you come into Oberlin officially.
The Mellon Dive: Part II
June 4, 2014
Diving for more Mellons?? Here's more updates on research at Oberlin and all the wonderful ways it can evolve.
From the Heart to the Pen and Back Again
May 29, 2014
On May 28, 2014, Dr. Maya Angelou joined the ancestors after leading a tremendously full life.
Welcome to the Dub Club: Breaking In A New Decade
May 20, 2014
Did you miss me?! I've been away for a little bit (many apologies) but I am back with more quotes, a couple laughs and all the other good stuff!
Talk That Talk To Me
April 8, 2014
What kind of conversation works best for you? What do you like and dislike? Let's trade thoughts about elements of quality discussion in all of its forms for a few minutes...
Runnin' Away With Me
March 28, 2014
Spring is slowly creeping in... do you need something fun to do? Then, take your pick of all the wonderful events coming up in April and May and enjoy your spring semester properly.
Ol' Father Time & I: Advice From the Halfway Line
March 24, 2014
Let's unpack a big question: what did my college experience teach me? With the assistance of some food-for-thought quotations, let's explore how time, space and maturity interact to reveal things about ourselves.
Redefining Value In a College Major
March 9, 2014
What is the value of a liberal arts degree? What does my Oberlin degree say about me post-graduation? Am I the only one thinking about these things?! Let's talk about what it means to find value in your college major on your own terms.
The Mellon Dive
February 22, 2014
Research at Oberlin is a truly unique opportunity and starts with our own personal journey. Well, here goes mine. Let's go on a Mellon Dive.
Celebrate Your Story
February 11, 2014
It is Black History Month and as we celebrate the legacy of African American cultural heritage and experience nationwide, let us also find ways to connect that same history to our own Oberlin narratives.
Takeaways and Lasting Impressions
February 9, 2014
Some final thoughts on Winter Term '14... Here is to a month well spent, laughs well had and much appreciated personal growth.
Wild 'n Wiser
January 21, 2014
What does it mean to find yourself (metaphorically that is)? Is it your wild intuition? Is it your carefree personality? What makes self-discovery useful for you?
Switchin' It Up and Movin' It Down South
January 7, 2014
Winter Term swept me up in a snowstorm and transported me down South. Now that I am here in New Orleans I have all these cool things to do, like...
3:5 Reflections on Another Semester Down
December 23, 2013
FINALS ARE FINISHED!! Now it's time to think about the rest of college...
Make It or Break It Week: The Mellon Chronicles
December 5, 2013
It's make it or break it week with the impending announcement of the new Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Cohort and well... you'll just have to read on.
How I Discovered Kuumba
November 10, 2013
Kuumba means to always do as much as we can, in the way we can, to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
Declaration Trumpet
October 23, 2013
I am center stage with my declaration trumpet, playing passionate rifts of commitment to my interests, scores of love for the fields, and songs of confidence stemming from my assurance of choosing the right path.