Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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On Being a New Freshman

August 19, 2016

Celina Kobetitsch

It's okay to ask a lot of questions, make mistakes, get lost, miss home, and meet a billion new people. You only get to be an Oberlin first-year once.

Photo Essay : Summertime

August 16, 2016

Karalyn Grimes

Too much beauty occurred this summer to capture it all in words, so instead I would like to share some of my favorite photos of my favorite moments.

Ask a Friend: Back to School Edition

August 8, 2016

Kira Findling

Welcome to Ask a Friend, in which four of my fellow Obies share their thoughts on the ups and downs of college life. In less than three weeks, we'll be back at Oberlin, so today's theme is BACK TO SCHOOL!
Kira smiling

The Beginning of the End

August 8, 2016

Karalyn Grimes

I am still here. Though I entered Oberlin with an expected graduation date of May 2016, my taking a semester off has delayed that until this upcoming semester. This reality took me a long time to accept and I have a lot of feelings about what "not graduating on time" means for me.


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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