Oberlin Blogs

Summer thoughts

August 18, 2010

Megan Emberton ’12

So, yeah. I realize that the point of a blog is not to furnish a post and then disappear for a couple of months. Resurfacing infrequently to dispel built-up blogging guilt is not really an acceptable substitute for reliable updating skills and regular posting. But oh, the suffocating self-imposed pressure! Though I was thrilled to get this job, I've had this weird block against writing entries since almost the beginning. I've always had this feeling that I am meant to be somehow embodying Oberlin in every entry I write, worshipping my school with every word, producing weekly sweeping and profound statements about Oberlin College, the greatest school there ever was!... But it turns out that those things are generally impossible for me to do, especially in the face of what turned out to be The Most Stressful Semester of My Life. With a noticeable lack of boundless enthusiasm for Oberlin or the very act of going to school, I gave up on a lot of half-formed entries, instead finding myself collapsed in a puddle of wretchedness and extreme blogging inadequacy. That, or I just ended up telling you what I ate for dinner. (Though, I think we can agree that food is important around here. A separate Oberlin food blog may be in order. Yes? Yes.)

Dinner 8.17.10. Twisty noodles and cheese. Made as requested by my younger sister, with NO VEGETABLES.

Some of last semester's worry and trepidation about school still remains - perhaps more on this mid-college crisis later - but for now? I haven't been at Oberlin in MONTHS, and I have been unabashedly enjoying my time away. There's definitely still some summer left before classes start, and I want to savor these it's-all-winding-down dog days of August. Bring on the blue skies, accordion playing, endless supply of fresh tomatoes, and suitably non-academic books. Yes please. Autumn and back-to-school stuff will come soon enough.

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