Oberlin Blogs

Going Back Home

December 6, 2013

Andres Cuervo ’17

I went home a week and a half ago for the first time since arriving at Oberlin - they say it's the most jarring visit home (the ominous "they" being other college students). As a result, the following are some differences I noticed between going home and being at Oberlin.

My shower at home feels so small now ...


illustration of a communal shower fading into a single shower



And my bed felt gigantic!

Illustration of a twin bed fading into a queen bed



My dogs grew out their hair since I left home.



"before oberlin" illustration of two groomed dogs fading into a "after Oberlin" illustration of two un-groomed dogs



And, of course, the weather was quite different in California...



"oberlin" word with snow coming from it fading into "home" word with a sun

I'm sure there are more weird feelings that stood out to me, but these are four that stuck with me the most. Oh, and the thing I loved most about home? Pumpkin pie, of course! (Oh, and my family obviously).



Animation of a pie with slices fading away



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