June Language and Culture Intensives
Oberlin faculty-led immersive courses abroad. A unique opportunity to engage in a deep study of one topic, and in certain cases, in full language immersion.
2025 Courses
SOCI 266: The Happiest Country? Finland and its Welfare State
- Taught in English by Professor Greggor Mattson, with support from Professor Amanda Zadorian
- 4 weeks in Helsinki, Finland
- 15 students
- Counts toward major and minor in Sociology, and as a major elective in Politics, Anthropology, and GSFS
- Attributes: Cultural Diversity
Course description
Finland regularly ranks as the happiest country with the world’s best education system. Common explanations focus on cultural values such as appreciation for nature, humility, and the stubborn persistence called sisu. Social scientists, by contrast, emphasize the robust Nordic welfare state with its provision of social support for the young, the unemployed, the ill, immigrants, and the elderly. This course explores the interaction among Finnish culture and politics to understand national happiness as the product not of abundant joy, but the elimination of social misery.
EAST 105: Chinese Language and Culture in Beijing
- Taught in Chinese with some English by Professor Fang Liu with support from Professor Kai Li
- 4 weeks in Beijing, China
- 13-15 students
- Attributes: Cultural Diversity
Course description
This course aims to integrate the conversational Chinese students have already learned with new vocabulary and communication skills related to Chinese history, architecture, traditional culture, and modern life. Through first-hand explorations of the iconic landmarks and scenic locations of Beijing—including the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and modern commercial centers—students will gain new insights into the traditions and values these sites embody, enabling them to make meaningful comparisons between East and West, and worlds old and new. Suitable for students who have completed CHIN 102 or the equivalent.
Related Resources: East Asian Studies at Oberlin, Study Abroad in East Asia
Application timeline
- Applications available Friday, October 18, 2024
- Review of applications begin Monday, November 4, 2024
- Interviews conducted Tuesday, November 5-Thursday, November 14, 2024
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance or waitlist status by Friday, November 15, 2024
- Decision to enroll and $500 deposit due Friday, January 3, 2025
- Admitted students may drop the course and receive a full refund of their deposit until the last day of Add-Drop, Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- Remainder of course fee is due Friday, February 28, 2025
- Pre-Departure Orientation Sessions during Spring 2025
Additional Details
June block courses carry full academic course credit (4 credit hours).
The course will appear on your record/transcript under Summer 2025, however the credits will be considered toward your Spring 2025 total credits. In Spring 2025, you must register for at least the minimum number of credits/courses for your division without including the credits for this course.
For example:
A&S student registers online for Spring 2025 courses = 14 credits
The Office of the Registrar to register the student for the June course = 4 credits
Total credits considered toward Spring 2025 = 18 credits
Since this course will be considered toward your total Spring 2025 registration, you may need to apply for course overload if you will go beyond the maximum number of credits per your division.
A&S student registers online for Spring 2025 course = 16 credits
The Office of the Registrar to register the student for the course = 4 credits
Total credits considered toward Spring 2025 = 20 credits. A&S maximum is 18 credits, so an overload approval is needed.
The best time to apply for course overload approval is once you are notified that you have been selected to take part in the course. At that point, you must finalize your Spring 2025 schedule and can then assess if you need to act on requesting a course overload.
The course overload form is available on OberView.
A per credit charge may be applicable if the request is to register beyond a certain number of credits.
Students should register for a full course load in the Spring semester to remain in good academic standing. The June course will be counted with their Spring registration. After students have been selected for participation, the Registrar will directly enroll them.
Students who are planning to graduate this academic year may still be eligible to walk in Spring 2025 commencement. You must contact the Office of the Registrar to confirm: daudit@oberlin.edu. Your degree will be conferred after the course ends, provided that all degree requirements are met. Your diploma will follow by mail.
Registration Process
The Office of the Registrar will register the student for the course; students cannot register online.
The course will appear on the student’s record/transcript under the Summer semester. However, the credits will be considered towards Spring total credits.
In Spring, the student must register for at least the minimum number of credits/courses for their division without including the credits for this course.
Division | Minimum Credits/Courses | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval |
Division A&S | Minimum Credits/Courses 14 credits (3.5 full courses or the equivalent) | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 18 credits |
Division CN | Minimum Credits/Courses 16 credits | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 24 credits |
Division DD | Minimum Credits/Courses 16 credits | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 26 credits |
In Spring, students must register for at least the minimum number of credits/courses for their division without including the credits for this course.
- A&S student registers online for Spring courses = 14 credits
- The Office of the Registrar will register the student for the course = 4 credits
- Total credits considered towards Spring = 18 credits
Division | Minimum Credits/Courses | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval |
Division A&S | Minimum Credits/Courses 14 credits (3.5 full courses or the equivalent) | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 18 credits |
Division CN | Minimum Credits/Courses 16 credits | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 24 credits |
Division DD | Minimum Credits/Courses 16 credits | Maximum Credits Allowed without course overload approval 26 credits |
Since this course will count toward the total registered credits for the Spring term, students may be required to request a course overload if they exceed the maximum allowable credit limit for their division.
- A&S student registers online for Spring courses = 16 credits
- The Office of the Registrar will register the student for the course = 4 credits
- Total credits considered towards Spring = 20 credits. Overload approval needed.
A per credit charge may be applicable if the request is to register beyond a certain amount of credits.
The best time to apply for course overload approval is once the student is notified they have been selected to take part in the course. At that point, the student must finalize their Spring schedule and can then assess if they need to act on requesting course overload.
The course overload form is available on OberView. There are two versions of the form, specific to division.
Tuition for these courses will be part of the Spring semester tuition charge. Only overloads will result in tuition charges. Please see the "course credit" section above.
Related course charges
The Happiest Country? Finland and its Welfare State
The program fee is $2650 per student. Students on the program will be responsible for their own airfare and food. The related course charges cover costs for travel, lodging, and course activities on site. These charges will be added to students' Spring semester total bill. Financial aid, in terms of grants or scholarships, will not be increased to cover any of these related course charges.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance or waitlist status by November 15, 2025.
Students who are accepted will be asked to commit to the course by making a $500 deposit by January 3, 2025. This deposit will be credited toward the overall costs of the course’s travel and activities.
Admitted students who drop the course by or before the last day of Add-Drop, February 12, 2025, will receive a full refund of their deposit.
Chinese Language and Culture in Beijing
The program fee is $1907 per student. Students on the program will be responsible for their own airfare and food. The related course charges cover costs for travel, lodging, and course activities on site. These charges will be added to students' Spring semester total bill. Financial aid, in terms of grants or scholarships, will not be increased to cover any of these related course charges.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance or waitlist status by November 15, 2025.
Students who are accepted will be asked to commit to the course by making a $500 deposit by January 3, 2025. This deposit will be credited toward the overall costs of the course’s travel and activities.
Admitted students who drop the course by or before the last day of Add-Drop, February 12, 2025, will receive a full refund of their deposit.
If students would like to borrow to cover these related course charges, they are welcome to discuss options available with the Office of Financial Aid. Please email us at financial.aid@oberlin.edu or call us at (440) 775-8142 or (800) 693-3173.
2024 Courses
ENGL 289: Shakespeare in Italy
- Taught in English by Professor Wendy Beth Hyman
- 2.5 weeks in Rome, 4 days in Florence, 3 days in Venice, 1 day each in Pompeii and Padua
- 16 students maximum
- Counts toward major and minor in English Literature (pre-1800); Elective in Comparative Literature
- Attributes: Cultural Diversity
Course description
2023 Courses
FREN 356/FREN 406: Discovering Champagne: the World in a Glass
- Taught in French by Professor Grace An
- Two weeks in Paris, one and a half weeks in Champagne.
- 12 students maximum.
- Counts toward majors in French, Environmental Studies, and Comparative Literature.
- Attributes: Cultural Diversity, Sustainability
Course description
RUSS 244: Georgia: The Crossroad of Civilizations
- Taught in English by Professor Vladimir Ivantsov.
- 10 students maximum.
- Counts toward the majors and minors in Russian and REEES.
- Attributes: Cultural Diversity
Course description
Recorded info session for 2023 courses (Oberlin login required)