Latin American Studies
Academic Program in Latin American Studies
Program Requirements
Our academic program is interdisciplinary and supports students with a strong interest in Latin America, its peoples, cultures, history, language, and traditions. Latin American studies places a strong emphasis on Spanish-language competency, which we believe is essential for anyone who wishes to study Latin America and Spain, to understand and appreciate its culture, or to function effectively in a Spanish-speaking environment.
We do not offer a minor.
You can enrich your coursework in several ways: study abroad, an honors program, or living in La Casa Hispánica, a campus residence hall for Spanish speakers.
We urge all students to spend at least a semester abroad. Our study abroad programs will provide you with the opportunity to perfect your communication skills and further your knowledge of contemporary life and culture in Latin America. Majors should consider existing opportunities to study in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Oberlin’s Office of Study Away offers a full listing of opportunities open to students in all courses of study throughout the year.