Office of Student Accounts

Payment Plan

Students and Authorized Users can set up a payment plan through the Student Account Center by Nelnet Enterprise.

Student Account Center

Oberlin’s new Student Account Center, which is administered by Nelnet Enterprise, allows students to view their account summary, receive ebills, view up-to-the-minute account activity, make payments by eCheck or credit card (a small convenience fee will be charged for payment with a credit card), and enroll in our four installment monthly payment plan by semester.

Account Sign In

Students also have the ability to grant parents and others access to the Student Account Center who may make payments on their behalf.  

Students can simply click the button below, which will take them to their Oberlin Okta single sign on authentication.  Once logged in you will need to create your account by filling in or updating your credentials and then hit the "Submit" button.  Next you will need to create a 4-Digit PIN to validate your identity should you need to contact Nelnet Enterprise and then hit "OK".  Once you have created your account you can view your account balance, enroll in a payment plan or add an Authorized User.

Create Account

Due to student privacy regulations (FERPA), the student must first access the Student Account Center and can then share access with any additional participants who will help manage their account.  The student must create their account first and can then grant access for Parents/Authorized Users by selecting the "Add an Authorized Party" button within the Student Account Center, filling out the Users credentials and clicking "Save". This will send an invitation email to the Authorized User with a link to create their account.

Payment Plan

The payment plan consists of four monthly payments per semester beginning in July for the fall semester and December for spring semester.  Enrollment in this interest free plan is easy and available through the Student Account Center.  A nonrefundable enrollment fee of $40 is charged per semester plan.  Payments can be made via ACH transfer or credit card.  Payments are due on the 22nd of each month. 

Fall 2024 Payment Plan Schedule
Last Day to Enroll Required Down Payment Number of Payments Months of Payments
July 18 None 4 July-October

 August 13
(delinquent signup)

25% 3 August-October

Payment Plan available once the semester charges have posted.  Late enrollment in the plan will require a down payment or "catch up" payment.


Spring 2025 Payment Plan Schedule
Last Day to Enroll Required Down Payment Number of Payments Months of Payments
December 19 None 4 December-March

January 8 
(delinquent signup)

25% 3 January-March

Payment Plan available once the semester charges have posted.  Late enrollment in the plan will require a down payment or "catch up" payment.


Additional information and enrollment instructions can be found here.  Nelnet Enterprise phone number is (800)609-8056.