Locations & Facilities

Oberlin’s facilities are unsurpassed by any school its size. The college has one of the nation’s most extensive college library collections; one of the finest college art museums in the country; and first-rate facilities in music, theater arts, the natural sciences, computing, and physical education.

See also

Campus map

South Hall

South Hall is a traditional residence hall and among the largest on campus with a capacity for about 240 students.
courtyard area leading to brick building known as south hall.

South Quad

An open area on the southern portion of campus, the South Quad is situated between the Program Houses and South Hall.
Photo of South Quad

Spanish House (La Casa Hispánica; Harvey House)

La Casa Hispánica, officially known as Harvey House or Spanish House, is a Program House for students interested in learning and speaking Spanish. Up to 30 students of any class year can live here.
Exterior view of Harvey House.

Stevenson Dining Hall

Oberlin’s Stevenson Dining Hall is a dining destination featuring fresh and inspired offerings.
Photo of Stevenson Dining Hall

Stevenson Hall

Located near the residence halls on north campus, Stevenson Hall houses the offices of Residential Education and Dining Services.
Stevenson Hall

Student Mail Room

The Student Mail Room is located on the west end of the lower level of Wilder Hall. Here students pick up campus mail, U.S. mail, UPS, and Federal Express packages.
Wilder Student Mailroom


Purchased through a grant from the National Science Foundation, Oberlin’s supercomputer has 70 dual, 64 nodes - each with 8 gigabytes of RAM, a gigabit ethernet switch, and a 10-terabyte file server.
opened drawer in supercomputer

Talcott Hall

One of the oldest buildings on campus, Talcott was built in 1886. Although it’s been renovated over the years, Talcott has retained its home-like atmosphere.
aerial view of talcott hall stone building

Tank Hall

Located five minutes east of campus by foot, Tank is a large house that was once the Clara Tank Home for Missionary Children.
Exterior view of Tank Hall.