Wilder Hall

Wilder Hall (Student Union)
The face of Wilder Hall that looks out over Wilder Bowl.
Photo credit: Kevin Reeves

Wilder Hall serves as a gathering place for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. Originally a residence hall for about 65 men, the building was completed in 1911 with funding from an anonymous donor. The donor was later identified as Herbert Wilder, a Boston paper manufacturer.

The building also had a dining room, a billiard room, bowling alley, library, a reception room for women students, a barbershop, and other spaces for meetings and assembly. The broad terrace flanking the main entry was designed for rallies and songfests.

While no longer a residence hall, Wilder Hall has several community meeting rooms, office space for student organizations, and a student lounge. It also houses the Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Student Leadership and Involvement, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Conference Services, the International Student Resource Center, and the Student Mail Room. The lower level of Wilder Hall features a food market and a student-run performance and dance venue.

Umami.Umami, one of our popular dining venues is also located in Wilder Hall. Sushi, poke bowls, noodle bowls, and special entrées are available.


Chess Club Meeting

Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    5:00 pm to 7:00 pm EDT
  • Location

    Wilder Hall

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