Student Project Profile
Analysis of transient noise in the LIGO Livingston detector during the 4th Observing Run (O4a)
Project Title
Analysis of transient noise in the LIGO Livingston detector during the 4th Observing Run (O4a)
Project Description
![Abby outside](
Faculty Mentor: Gabriela Gonzalez, Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State University
Project Description:
In my research project, we analyze data from the LIGO detectors and identify noise transients to make sure that by understanding what these noise transients look like, we can determine when a gravitational wave is detected with more certainty each time. Additionally, we are also interested in understanding the different sources of transient noise in the detector. Our way of analyzing the data is by writing code utilizing the Python programming language and different machine learning algorithms, that allow us to analyze parameters like signal-to-noise ratio, frequency, amplitude, etc, of different gravitational waves and noise transients.
Why is your research important?
LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, conducts groundbreaking research that holds immense significance in the realm of astrophysics and our understanding of the universe. By detecting gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by cataclysmic events such as black hole mergers and neutron star collisions, LIGO provides invaluable insights into some of the most violent and energetic phenomena in the cosmos. This research not only confirms Einstein's predictions but also opens new avenues for studying the universe, offering a unique perspective on phenomena that were previously invisible to traditional telescopes. Moreover, LIGO's discoveries have far-reaching implications, ranging from refining our understanding of fundamental physics to unveiling the mysteries surrounding the formation and evolution of celestial objects. Ultimately, the research conducted by LIGO not only enhances our knowledge of the universe but also paves the way for future breakthroughs in astrophysics.
What does the process of doing your research look like?
Usually the process of doing this research starts with looking at the data offered by the detector, understanding what it’s showing us, in order to then identify questions we have about it which can be some increase in the number of glitches detected, or an increase in microseismic noise, etc. Once we identify what we want to analyze, we go on to the data analisis part of the research where we utilize machine learning algorithms and code programs to have a better understanding of what the data is showing us, and how it affects other aspects of the data we see. Once we have a good understanding of that piece of data and its implications, we make conclusions based on our findings, and then determine more questions and future work that builds on our previous findings.
What knowledge has your research contributed to your field?
The research carried out at LIGO has proved Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, and through the different observing runs and data analysis, we are able to learn even more about gravitational waves and the events that generate them, and we also learn to identify the difference between gravitational waves and transient noise that reaches us and the LIGO detectors.
In what ways have you showcased your research thus far?
I showcased my research at a poster presentation in Louisiana State University, and I also made a presentation within LIGO in the general meeting of one of this collaboration’s working groups called Detector Characterization, where I explained our findings to other scientists in the collaboration.
How did you get involved in research? What drove you to seek out research experiences in college?
I have always been interested in STEM, and I have always been a very curious person. Since I was a child I would always ask questions, and I love learning new things. As I grew up and learned more about science, I started to realize that the more we learn, the more questions we encounter, and that is what makes STEM be an area of study I enjoy so much. The learning never ends, and the contributions and findings increase with each scientist, and each research project. That’s what made me want to get involved in research opportunities in college. At Oberlin, I started doing research in my first year with Professor Scudder in the Physics and Astronomy department through the STRONG program, and then applied to this research opportunity at LIGO, and all of these opportunities have taught me a lot and have prepared me for the future as a researcher.
What is your favorite aspect of the research process?
Since I was a teenager and first learned about the detection of gravitational waves made by LIGO, which proved the Theory of General Relativity proposed by Einstein and awarded LIGO the Physics Nobel Prize in 2017, I have been really interested in this field. Through the detection of gravitational waves we hear the sound of the universe, and can see signals that get to us after traveling through space for thousands of light years, and this to me is fascinating. I love the topic of this research and that’s what makes it so exciting and interesting to go through the research process, because with each piece of data we analyze, and with each research question we ask ourselves, we are contributing to our understanding of the universe and the gravitational waves traveling through it.
How has working with your mentor impacted the development of your research project? How has it impacted you as a researcher?
My mentors, Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez and Dr. Jane Glanzer, have both been a great support and guidance throughout my participation in this project. They have taught me a lot and always motivated me to share my ideas, ask questions, and they have also always known when to ask for me to perform a specific task, and when to give me the opportunity to decide what task I should perform next, or what research question the data I have makes me want to explore, and in this way they have helped me develop a sense of independence as well as teamwork which are very important qualities in a researcher.
How has the research you’ve conducted contributed to your professional or academic development?
Participating in this research has helped me develop research skills like generating research questions, data collection and analysis, writing about findings and updates in the research to communicate it to other scientists, communicating science in an accessible way to the public, applying coding skills to physics research, and more. When I first joined this research many technical concepts were new to me, but now I find myself using those same concepts to talk about my research contributions, and understanding what each term means and the physics behind it. In addition, gravitational physics is an area of astrophysics that I’m passionate about. This has been an amazing opportunity to learn more from this research field and consider doing this type of research in the future as a PhD student.
What advice would you give to a younger student wanting to get involved in research in your field?
I would advise younger students to pursue their dreams and apply to research opportunities because these are amazing learning experiences that help us develop research skills and become better scientists. In addition, I would like to emphasize that anyone can be a great researcher no matter where we come from, what matters is our effort, hard work, studying, and perseverance. I believe that diversity and inclusion in STEM areas are what make science improve and continue to advance, so by studying, participating in research opportunities, and persevering, anyone can make good contributions to the scientific community.
Abby Tejera ’25
third-year- Major(s):
- Physics, Computer Science