Ted Evans

  • Director of Entrepreneurship
  • Instructor in Business


  • MBA, business strategy, Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University
  • BS, business management, Wilberforce University


Ted Evans is the Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Instructor in Business at Oberlin. He will be teaching BUSI104 Real World Applications of Entrepreneurship. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is critical to success for all at Oberlin. Ted’s work is centered on building entrepreneurial skills and interculturalism to drive business ideas to success. Ted is also connecting College and Conservatory students with a diverse group of constituents including alumni, city leaders, business leaders, local and global specialists in innovation and businesses across industries that can build student skills, relationships and provide access to funding. Through experiential learning, cocurricular activities, and expert coaching, students are challenged to hone their intellectual and artistic passions to reach their own professional and personal goals. Developing students’ ability to recognize and maximize entrepreneurial thinking is core to his role.

Fall 2024

Real World Applications of Entrepreneurship — BUSI 104
Oberlin Business Studios — BUSI 200

Spring 2025

Real World Applications of Entrepreneurship — BUSI 104

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