Steven Huff

  • Professor of German

Areas of Study


  • BA, Arizona State University, 1980
  • MA, Arizona State University, 1982
  • MA, Princeton University, 1984
  • PhD, Princeton University, 1987

  • Baroque
  • Goethezeit
  • Romanticism
  • The Interrelations of Music and Literature

  • Heinrich von Kleist's Poetics of Passivity. Rochester: Camden House, 2009
  • “Es ist seit Rahel uns erlaubt, Gedanken zu haben.”  Essays in Honor of Heidi Thomann Tewarson. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012
  • Articles on:
    • Kleist
    • Goethe
    • The German Opera Libretto
    • Baroque Drama
    • Czech Resistance Literature

  • Introductory and Intermediate German
  • Survey of German Literature from Enlightenment to Romanticism 
  • The German Opera Libretto -Goethe, Mozart and Weimar Court Theater 
  • Schubert Lieder (with David Breitman in the Conservatory) 
  • Kleist 
  • Aspects of Drama 
  • Contemporary German Poetry 
  • Romanticism

Fall 2024

Elementary German — GERM 102
Max Kade German Writer-in Residence — GERM 315
After the Ashes: German Literature Post-1945 — GERM 316

Spring 2025

Elementary German — GERM 101
Heinrich von Kleist: The Psychology of Comedy and Despair — GERM 422


Steven Huff Book Review Published

September 18, 2024

Professor of German Steven Huff has published a review of Ulrich Klingmann, Kleines Buch zu Goethes Iphigenie auf Tauris. Zum Lesen—Zum Spielen. Goethe Yearbook. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, (2024). 170-172. The review notes that jazz musicians Esperanza Spalding and Wayne Shorter have also recently composed and performed an Iphigenia opera.

Steven Huff Book Chapter Published

November 29, 2023

Professor of German Steven Huff has recently published a book chapter titled "Amnesia, Chaos, Trauma: Kleist's Memory Games" in Memory in German Romanticism: Imagination, Image, Reception. Ed. Christopher R. Clason et al. London: Routledge, 2023. Chap. 1, 23-47.

Steve Huff Publishes

February 10, 2017

Professor of German Steve Huff published an article titled "A Collision of Values: Text, Music, and Nascent Enlightenment in J.C. Gottsched's and J.S. Bach's Trauerode" (Lessing Yearbook XLIII 2016, 9-33). Co-authored with Dan Zager, the former Oberlin College Director of the Music Library who is now with the Eastman School of Music, the paper treats aesthetic and ideological tensions inherent in the transitional period between Baroque and Enlightenment and demonstrates how these are reflected in the Trauerode.


Age of Enlightenment

May 17, 2023

Community came easy through Ellie Jensen’s German studies. Now a Fulbright teaching assistantship invites her to cultivate a community of her own.