Shari Rabin
- Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion
- Chair of Jewish Studies
Shari Rabin Elected Vice President of Southern Jewish Historical Society
November 13, 2024
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin was elected vice president (and president-elect) of the Southern Jewish Historical Society at their annual conference in Louisville on November 3.
Shari Rabin Pieces Published in Newly-Released Edited Volumes
September 18, 2024
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin published pieces in two newly-released edited volumes: “‘Thy Soul be Accepted’: A Jewish Gravestone in Eighteenth-century Charleston” in American Contact: Intercultural Encounters and the Boundaries of Book History (University of Pennsylvania Press) and “From Beautiful Rabbi to Queer Kohenet: Gender and Judaism in and Beyond Transparent,” in Blessings Beyond the Binary: Transparent and the Queer Jewish Family eds. Nora Rubel and Brett Krutzsch (Rutgers University Press).
Shari Rabin Presents at Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation Symposium
June 11, 2024
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion and Chair of Jewish Studies Shari Rabin presented at the "Ways of Being: Evolving Religion and America" symposium hosted by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation at Jamestown Settlement in Virginia.
Shari Rabin Article Published in "Jewish Social Studies"
December 21, 2022
Shari Rabin published “‘Jews, Heathens, and Other Dissenters’: Governing Religion in the English Atlantic World, 1614-1790” in the journal Jewish Social Studies.
Shari Rabin is Guest Speaker on Judaism in 'Keeping it 101' Podcast
April 7, 2022
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin was the guest for the podcast Keeping it 101: A Killjoy's Introduction to the Study of Religion's episode on Judaism.
Article Coauthored by Shari Rabin Published
December 6, 2021
The Journal of Southern History published the article "Simon Gerstmann's War: Religion, Loyalty, and Memory in the Post-Civil War Claims Courts," coauthored by Shari Rabin, associate professor of Jewish studies and religion.
Shari Rabin and Matthew Berkman publish in America Jewish History special issue
September 2, 2021
Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies Shari Rabin and Visiting Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies Matthew Berkman both had pieces published in the journal American Jewish History’s new special issue on antisemitism.
Shari Rabin participates in discussion on Jews and Muslims in America
June 8, 2021
Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin will speak as part of a discussion on "Jews and Muslims in America" at the Graduate Theological Union's Madrasa-Midrasha Program. The conversation begins at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 15. Rabin's talk is titled "Placing Jews in American History" and will consider how Jews have been understood and how Judaism has been transformed in American history, using the 1669 Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina as its starting point.
Shari Rabin Quoted
June 19, 2020
Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin is quoted in an article in the Jewish Telegraph Agency concerning a California synagogue's decision to alter a monument in their synagogue that included the name of a slave-holding, Confederate Jew.
Shari Rabin Gives Workshop
April 29, 2020
Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion Shari Rabin gave a training workshop on nineteenth-century Jewish migration for docents at the National Museum of American Jewish History.
The New South
March 21, 2025
In 1669, the colonial government of Carolina, which encompassed most of what is now Georgia and North and South Carolina, adopted the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. This document specifically promised religious freedom for Jews, heathens, and other dissenters from the Anglican church. At a time when much of Europe was still embroiled in religious wars, this was historic and even radical.
Jewish Studies Program Celebrates 50 Years
October 20, 2022
A series of events will commemorate an important milestone in Jewish life and scholarship at Oberlin.
This Week in Photos: A Classy View
March 19, 2021
Professor Todd Ganson’s problems of philosophy class in the Peters Hall Language Lab serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.